
Safety, Health and Welfare at St George's

St George's fully promotes the safety, health and welfare of the young people entrusted in its care. The school puts the well-being of the child at the heart of everything, with the Safeguarding policies focussing on Prevention, Protection and Support.

The Safeguarding Child Protection Policy covers:

a. The procedures for spotting and reporting child protection concerns;

b. The role of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and Designated Governor for


c. The response of the school to an allegation against a member of staff along with

advice for employees of the school to minimise the risks of them being subject to a

false allegation;

d. The procedures for notifying parents and external agencies following a child

protection concern;

e. The actions that the school will take in response to an instance of peer-on-peer

sexual abuse;

f. The support that the school will provide to pupils who are subject to a child

protection referral.

Read The Safeguarding policy in full.

St George's In Collaboration with MyConcern

MyConcern is a safeguarding software and was created and developed by child protection experts. MyConcern allows anyone responsible for the protection of children, young people and adults at risk to easily manage and record all safeguarding and wellbeing concerns.