Educators gather for groundbreaking researchED conference

ResearchED Rome 2019 has taken place at St George’s, bringing together over 100 educators from across Rome, Italy, the UK and Europe to share knowledge and research on teaching practices.

On Saturday 26 October 2019, delegates and presenters descended upon the school for researchED – the very first conference of its kind in Italy, opening new dialogue and laying a foundation for increased collaboration and sharing of best-practices amongst the teaching community in Rome, whilst expanding links between practitioners and schools in Italy and continental Europe.

Founded by Tom Bennett in 2013 as a grass-roots, teacher-led project that aims to make teachers research-literate and pseudo-science proof, researchED has grown into an international conference movement that so far has spanned 19 countries.

On the schedule of speakers were some of educations most notable and influential researchers, and they inspired.

In the first session of the morning, founder and Chief Executive of the Teacher Development Trust, David Weston, shared a presentation entitled Leadership for Great Teaching, where he explored the latest research and practice of what processes and culture are most likely to lead to better teaching and morale, drawing upon practical examples from some of the schools that he has supported.

Other sessions throughout the day included Comparative Judgement: Unpacking teachers’ assessment practices in STEM education, Women in Education Leadership – Clarity, Collaboration and Change, Behavior lessons from the best UK schools, Learning to Lead – from Values to Action in schools, First language and cultural identity in an international context, Teaching TOK in the age of Global Warming, and Academic Book Club – Bridging the gap between research and practice in international schools.

Watch the highlights of researchED Rome 2019 and hear from those involved.