Exam Results

International Baccalaureate

All students at St George's take the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in the Sixth Form. Six subjects are studied and graded from 7 (excellent) down to 1. A pass is normally 24 points or more. In a typical year, the average global score for pupils completing the IB is between 29 and 30 points.


All students at St George's sit examinations for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education - IGCSE - in Year 11. The results reported below include examinations taken early (e.g. Italian IGCSE at the end of Year 9). Each subject is graded using either the old A* - G system, or the new 9 - 1 grading system, where grades of 9, 8 or 7 can be considered comparable to grades of A* or A.